Lasse Berntzen was appointed Professor in Information Systems at University of South-Eastern Norway from 2014. He joined Vestfold University College as an Associate Professor in 2002.

Since 2003, his research has focused on the Information Society and ICT in public sector, with emphasis on public sector innovation, e- government and e-democracy.

He has been involved in several research projects on national and international level, author and co-author of several conference papers and articles, and program committee member and reviewer for some of the most important conferences within his field of research. He is currently a member of IFIP WG 8.5: Information Systems in Public Administration.
His current research interests include automatic assessment of e-government services, different aspects of e-participation, and the use of geographic information systems to improve public decision making and democratic participation. For the last two years, he has also been working on regulatory aspects of e-democracy as an expert for the Council of Europe’s Ad-hoc Committee on e-democracy.
Lasse Berntzen received his Cand. Scient. degree in Computer Science from the University of Oslo. His thesis work focused on object oriented modeling of workflow processes. Since then, he has worked both as an academic and as a computer professional. During his professional career, he has written textbooks on computer networks, systems development, and web technology.
He has been an active supporter of IARIA, as program committee member of several conferences, and has chaired ICDS (International Conference on the Digital Society) and CENTRIC (International Conference on on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services)
He is also a member of AIS, ACM and IEEE.
Publications are registered in the national research information system (CRISTIN).